Element Reference
ArduinoArduino open-source electronics prototyping platform. Wikipedia Meter Information:
AC SourceActive element whose voltage is independent of the current. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), f, A, P
DC SourceActive element whose voltage is independent of the current. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), P
GroundReference point from which other voltages are measured. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope)
Square Wave SourceActive element whose voltage is independent of the current. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), f, A, Voff, P
Dependent SourceActive element whose voltage is independent of the current. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), P
DC RailActive element whose voltage is independent of the current. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), P
Sweep (linear)Varies the output frequency over a range. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), V (scope), f, range, time
AM AntennaReceives radio waves and converts them into electric power. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), P
FM AntennaReceives radio waves and converts them into electric power. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), P
DC Current SourceDelivers or absorbs current independent of its voltage drop. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), P
Dependent Current SourceDelivers or absorbs current independent of its voltage drop. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), P
ResistorTwo-terminal passive element that implements electrical resistance. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), R, P (scope)
CapacitorPassive element for storing electric charge. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), C, P (scope), Q (scope)
InductorPassive element that can store energy in a magnetic field created by the current passing through it. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), L, P
MemristorA non-linear two-terminal electrical component relating electric charge and magnetic flux linkage. Wikipedia Meter Information: I, Vd, R (scope), P
FuseA metal wire or strip that melts (fuses) when too much current flows through it, thereby interrupting the current. Wikipedia Meter Information: Vd (scope), I (scope)
Spark GapAn arrangement of two conducting electrodes separated by a gap. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), Ron, Roff, Vbreakdown
Strain GaugeA device used to measure strain on an object Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), R, P (scope)
Text LabelProvides a place leave notes on the circuit. Meter Information:
GaugeIn-circuit gauge of voltage, current, or arbitrary expressions. Wikipedia Meter Information: Value (scope)
Internal PortConnection point between circuits. Wikipedia Meter Information: V (scope)
Subcircuit PortConnection point between circuits. Wikipedia Meter Information: V (scope)
SubcircuitUses another circuit file as a black box element. Wikipedia Meter Information:
C Header FileA file that allows programmers to separate certain elements of a program's source code. Wikipedia Meter Information:
PIC Include FileA file that allows programmers to separate certain elements of a program's source code. Wikipedia Meter Information:
7805 Voltage Regulator78xx series of fixed linear voltage regulator integrated circuits. Wikipedia Meter Information: OUT (scope), IN (scope), GND (scope)
LM317 Voltage RegulatorThe LM317 is a popular adjustable positive linear voltage regulator. Wikipedia Meter Information: OUT (scope), IN (scope), ADJ (scope)
Solar CellSolid state device that converts the energy of light into electricity by the photovoltaic effect. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), P (scope)
MicrophoneAcoustic-to-electric transducer that converts sound into an electrical signal. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope)
Power Supply JackCan break an electrical circuit, interrupting the current or diverting it from one conductor to another. Wikipedia Meter Information: Status
Mono Jack (TS)A cylindrically-shaped electrical connector primarily for analog mono audio signals. Wikipedia Meter Information: Status
Stereo Jack (TRS)A cylindrically-shaped electrical connector primarily for analog stereo audio signals. Wikipedia Meter Information: Status
Headphone Jack (TRRS)A cylindrically-shaped electrical connector primarily for analog stereo audio signals and a microphone input. Wikipedia Meter Information: Status
SpeakerPassive audio element that plays whatever signal it receives. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), R, P (scope)
BuzzerPlays 261.63 Hz audio when the DC voltage is greater than 2 V. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), R, P (scope)
ThermistorA type of resistor whose resistance varies significantly with temperature. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), R, P (scope)
PhotoresistorA resistor whose resistance decreases with increasing incident light intensity. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), R, Illuminance (scope)
DC MotorElectric motor that run on direct current (DC). Wikipedia Meter Information: Kemf, R, Vd (scope), EMF (scope), I (scope), Torque (scope), Speed (scope), P (scope)
Servo MotorControllable motor using pulse widths from 1.5ms to 2.5ms. Wikipedia Meter Information: Vpwr (scope), Signal (scope), Target (scope), Angle (scope)
LampMakes light by heating a metal filament wire to a high temperature until it glows. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), R, P, T (scope)
PotentiometerThree-terminal resistor with a sliding contact that forms an adjustable voltage divider. Wikipedia Meter Information: Vd (scope), R1, R2, I1 (scope), I2 (scope)
Crystal OscillatorUses the mechanical resonance of a vibrating crystal of piezoelectric material to create an electrical signal with a very precise frequency. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), Lm, Rm
AccelerometerMeasures the proper acceleration of the simulator. Wikipedia Meter Information: X (scope), Y (scope), Z (scope)
Transmission LineSpecialized cable designed to carry alternating current of radio frequency. Wikipedia Meter Information: Impedance, Length, Delay, V1 (scope), V2 (scope)
TransformerTransfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through inductively coupled coils. Wikipedia Meter Information: L, Ratio, Vp (scope), Vs (scope), Ip (scope), Is (scope)
Tapped TransformerTransfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through inductively coupled coils. Wikipedia Meter Information: L, Ratio, Vd1 (scope), Vd2 (scope)
SPST Push ButtonCan break an electrical circuit, interrupting the current or diverting it from one conductor to another. Wikipedia Meter Information: Vd (scope)
SPST SwitchCan break an electrical circuit, interrupting the current or diverting it from one conductor to another. Wikipedia Meter Information: Vd (scope)
SPDT SwitchCan break an electrical circuit, interrupting the current or diverting it from one conductor to another. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope)
DPST SwitchCan break an electrical circuit, interrupting the current or diverting it from one conductor to another. Wikipedia Meter Information: I1 (scope), I2 (scope)
DPDT SwitchCan break an electrical circuit, interrupting the current or diverting it from one conductor to another. Wikipedia Meter Information: I1 (scope), I2 (scope)
Ideal SPST RelayIdealized SPST relay. Meter Information: Vd (scope), I (scope), Vc (scope)
Ideal SPDT RelayIdealized SPDT relay. Meter Information: I (scope)
Configurable RelayElectrically operated switch that uses an electromagnet to operate a switching mechanism mechanically. Wikipedia Meter Information: Coil Vd (scope), Coil I (scope), I1 (scope), I2 (scope)
LEDSemiconductor light source. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), P, Vf, Wavelength, Frequency
RGB LEDSemiconductor light source. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), P, Vf, Wavelength, Frequency
DiodeConducts electric current in only one direction. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), P, Vf
Zener DiodeDiode that permits current in the forward direction and in the reverse direction if the voltage is larger than the breakdown voltage. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), P, Vf, Vz
Tunnel DiodeA type of diode with negative resistance Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), P
PhotodiodeA light-sensitive semiconductor diode. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), P, Vf, Irradiance
VaractorA type of diode designed to exploit the voltage-dependent capacitance of a reverse-biased p–n junction. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), P, Vf, C
TriodeAmplification device having three active electrodes. Wikipedia Meter Information: Vac (scope), Vgc (scope), Vag, Ic, Ig
TetrodeAmplification device having three active electrodes. Wikipedia Meter Information: Vgc (scope), Vpc (scope), Vsc (scope)
SCRFour-layer solid state device that controls current (thyristor). Wikipedia Meter Information: Ia (scope), Ig (scope), Vac (scope), Vag (scope), Vgc (scope)
DIACA diode that conducts electrical current only after its breakover voltage has been reached momentarily. Wikipedia Meter Information: I (scope), Vd (scope), Ron, Roff, Vbrkdn, Ihold, P
TRIACA three terminal electronic component that conducts current in either direction when triggered Wikipedia Meter Information: Vmt2mt1 (scope), Imt1 (scope), Imt2 (scope), Ig (scope), P (scope)
BJT Transistor (NPN)Device constructed of doped semiconductor material used for amplifying or switching. Wikipedia Meter Information: beta, Ic (scope), Ib (scope), Vbe (scope), Vbc (scope), Vce (scope)
BJT Transistor (PNP)Device constructed of doped semiconductor material used for amplifying or switching. Wikipedia Meter Information: beta, Ic (scope), Ib (scope), Vbe (scope), Vbc (scope), Vce (scope)
n-MOSFETDevice constructed of doped semiconductor material used for amplifying or switching. Wikipedia Meter Information: Ids (scope), Vgs (scope), Vds (scope), gm, P
p-MOSFETDevice constructed of doped semiconductor material used for amplifying or switching. Wikipedia Meter Information: Isd (scope), Vsg (scope), Vsd (scope), gm, P
n-MOSFETDevice constructed of doped semiconductor material used for amplifying or switching. Wikipedia Meter Information: Ids (scope), Vgs (scope), Vds (scope), gm, P
p-MOSFETDevice constructed of doped semiconductor material used for amplifying or switching. Wikipedia Meter Information: Isd (scope), Vsg (scope), Vsd (scope), gm, P
n-JFETThe simplest type of field effect transistor used for amplifying or switching. Wikipedia Meter Information: Ids (scope), Vgs (scope), Vds (scope), gm, P
p-JFETThe simplest type of field effect transistor used for amplifying or switching. Wikipedia Meter Information: Isd (scope), Vsg (scope), Vsd (scope), gm, P
Op-ampDC-coupled high-gain electronic voltage amplifier with a differential input. Wikipedia Meter Information: V+ (scope), V- (scope), Vout (scope), Iout (scope), Rail+ (scope), Rail- (scope)
Op-amp with RailsDC-coupled high-gain electronic voltage amplifier with a differential input. Wikipedia Meter Information: V+ (scope), V- (scope), Vout (scope), Iout (scope), Rail+ (scope), Rail- (scope)
LM358 Dual-Operational AmplifierThe LM358 is a low-power dual operational amplifier integrated circuit. Wikipedia Meter Information: OA (scope), -INA (scope), +INA (scope), GND (scope), +INA (scope), -INA (scope), OB (scope), V+ (scope)
OptocouplerAn electronic component that transfers electrical signals between two isolated circuits by using light. Wikipedia Meter Information: Ii (scope), Io (scope)
D Flip-flopUsed to store state information. Wikipedia Meter Information: D (scope), Q (scope), Q' (scope), Clk (scope), R (scope)
T Flip-flop
Meter Information: T (scope), Q (scope), Q' (scope), Clk (scope), R (scope)
JK Flip-flopUsed to store state information. Wikipedia Meter Information: J (scope), Clk (scope), K (scope), Q (scope), Q' (scope)
JK Flip-flop With Clear and PresetUsed to store state information. Wikipedia Meter Information: J (scope), Clk (scope), K (scope), Q (scope), Q' (scope), PRE' (scope), CLR' (scope)
SR Flip-flopUsed to store state information. Wikipedia Meter Information: S (scope), Q (scope), Q' (scope), Clk (scope), R (scope)
SR Flip-flop With Clear and PresetUsed to store state information. Wikipedia Meter Information: S (scope), Q (scope), Q' (scope), Clk (scope), PRE' (scope), CLR' (scope)
BufferElectronic circuit element that is used to isolate the input from the output. Wikipedia Meter Information: Vo (scope), Vi (scope)
InverterLogic gate which implements logical negation (NOT). Wikipedia Meter Information: Vi (scope), Vo (scope)
Three-State BufferA logic non-inverting buffer with a tri-state output stage. Wikipedia Meter Information: Vd (scope), I (scope), Vc (scope)
AND GateLogic gate which implements logical conjunction. Wikipedia Meter Information: Vout (scope), Iout (scope), V0 (scope), V1 (scope)
NAND GateLogic gate which is the opposite of the digital AND gate. Wikipedia Meter Information: Vout (scope), Iout (scope), V0 (scope), V1 (scope)
OR GateLogic gate which implements logical disjunction. Wikipedia Meter Information: Vout (scope), Iout (scope), V0 (scope), V1 (scope)
NOR GateLogic gate which is the opposite of the digital OR gate. Wikipedia Meter Information: Vout (scope), Iout (scope), V0 (scope), V1 (scope)
XOR GateLogic gate which implements logical exclusive disjunction. Wikipedia Meter Information: Vout (scope), Iout (scope), V0 (scope), V1 (scope)
ADCConverts a continuous quantity to a discrete time digital representation. Wikipedia Meter Information: D0 (scope), D1 (scope), D2 (scope), D3 (scope), In (scope), V+ (scope)
DACConverts a binary code to an analog voltage signal. Wikipedia Meter Information: D0 (scope), D1 (scope), D2 (scope), D3 (scope), O (scope), V+ (scope)
555 TimerChip used in a variety of timer, pulse generation and oscillator applications. Wikipedia Meter Information: DIS (scope), TRIG' (scope), THR (scope), VCC (scope), CTL (scope), OUT (scope), R' (scope), G (scope)
CounterStores the number of times the clock signal goes high and outputs that binary value. Wikipedia Meter Information: Clk (scope), R (scope), Q3 (scope), Q2 (scope), Q1 (scope), Q0 (scope)
BCD to 7-Segment Decoder7448 BCD to 7-segment decoder/driver with Internal Pullups. Wikipedia Meter Information: D (scope), C (scope), B (scope), A (scope), a (scope), b (scope), c (scope), d (scope), e (scope), f (scope), g (scope)
7-Segment DisplayDisplay device for displaying decimal numerals. Wikipedia Meter Information: a (scope), b (scope), c (scope), d (scope), e (scope), f (scope), g (scope)
10-Segment LED BarAn array of 10 individual LEDs housed together. Wikipedia Meter Information: (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope)
Led MatrixA large low-resolution dot-matrix display Wikipedia Meter Information: (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope), (scope)
NeoMatrix PRO
Meter Information: DIN (scope), 5V (scope), GND (scope), GND (scope), 5V (scope), DOUT (scope)
Meter Information: VDD (scope), DO (scope), VSS (scope), DI (scope)
Matrix Keyboard
Meter Information:
L293 H-BridgeThe L293D is quadruple high-current half-H drivers. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1,2E (scope), 1A (scope), 1Y (scope), (scope), (scope), 2Y (scope), 2A (scope), VCC2 (scope), 3,4E (scope), 3A (scope), 3Y (scope), (scope), (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), VCC1 (scope)
DHT11 Humidity and Temperature Sensor PROHumidity and Temperature Sensor. Wikipedia Meter Information: VDD (scope), DATA (scope), GND (scope)
DHT12 Humidity and Temperature Sensor PROHumidity and Temperature Sensor. Wikipedia Meter Information: VDD (scope), SDA (scope), GND (scope)
DHT21 Humidity and Temperature Sensor PROHumidity and Temperature Sensor. Wikipedia Meter Information: VDD (scope), DATA (scope), GND (scope)
DHT22 Humidity and Temperature SensorHumidity and Temperature Sensor. Wikipedia Meter Information: VDD (scope), DATA (scope), GND (scope)
MCP4902 8-Bit Dual Voltage Output DAC
Meter Information: Address
MCP4912 10-Bit Dual Voltage Output DAC PRO
Meter Information: Address
MCP4922 12-Bit Dual Voltage Output DAC PRO
Meter Information: Address
MCP9808 Digital Temperature Sensor PRODigital Temperature Sensor Wikipedia Meter Information: Address
ADS1113 16-Bit ADC with Internal Reference PRO16-Bit ADC with Internal Reference Wikipedia Meter Information: Address
TCS3472 Color Light-To-Digital Converter PROColor Light-To-Digital Converter Wikipedia Meter Information: Address
MPU6050 Accelerometer and Gyroscope Module PROAccelerometer and Gyroscope Module Wikipedia Meter Information: Address
24XX256 256K Serial EEPROM PRO256K Serial EEPROM Wikipedia Meter Information: Address
PCA9685 16-Channel LED Controller16-Channel, 12-Bit PWM Fm+ I2C-bus LED Controller Wikipedia Meter Information: Address
AD5204 4-Channel Digital Potentiometer
Meter Information: Address
AD5206 6-Channel Digital Potentiometer
Meter Information: Address
SCP1000 Absolute Pressure Sensor PRO
Meter Information: Address
PIC10F200 PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC10F202 PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC10F204 PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC10F206 PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC10F220 PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC10F222 PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC12F508 PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC12F509A family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC12F510 PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC16F505 PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC16F506 PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC16F54 PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC16F57 PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC16F59 PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC10F320 PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC10F322 PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC16F84AA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC16F873 PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC16F873A PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC16F874 PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC16F874A PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC16F876 PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC16F876A PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC16F877 PROA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
PIC16F877AA family of microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology. Wikipedia Meter Information: Frequency (scope)
Custom IC
Meter Information:
4000 Dual 3-input NOR gate and inverter4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: nc (scope), nc (scope), I1 (scope), I2 (scope), I3 (scope), O1 (scope), VSS (scope), I7 (scope), O3 (scope), O2 (scope), I4 (scope), I5 (scope), I6 (scope), VDD (scope)
4001 Quad 2-input NOR gate4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1Y (scope), 2Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), VSS (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 3Y (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), VDD (scope)
4002 Dual 4-input NOR gate4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: O1 (scope), I1 (scope), I2 (scope), I3 (scope), I4 (scope), nc (scope), VSS (scope), nc (scope), I5 (scope), I6 (scope), I7 (scope), I8 (scope), O2 (scope), VDD (scope)
4006 18-Stage Shift Register PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: DA (scope), nc (scope), CP' (scope), DC (scope), DB (scope), DD (scope), VSS (scope), O3D (scope), O4D (scope), O3B (scope), O3C (scope), O4C (scope), O3A (scope), VDD (scope)
4008 4-Bit Binary Full Adder PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: A3 (scope), B2 (scope), A2 (scope), B1 (scope), A1 (scope), B0 (scope), A0 (scope), VSS (scope), CIN (scope), S0 (scope), S1 (scope), S2 (scope), S3 (scope), CO (scope), B3 (scope), VDD (scope)
4009 Hex Inverter Gate4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: VCC (scope), G (scope), A (scope), H (scope), B (scope), I (scope), C (scope), VSS (scope), D (scope), J (scope), E (scope), K (scope), NC (scope), F (scope), L (scope), VDD (scope)
4010 Hex Buffer Gate PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: VCC (scope), G (scope), A (scope), H (scope), B (scope), I (scope), C (scope), VSS (scope), D (scope), J (scope), E (scope), K (scope), NC (scope), F (scope), L (scope), VDD (scope)
4011 Quad 2-input NAND gate4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1Y (scope), 2Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), VSS (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 3Y (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), VDD (scope)
4012 Dual 4-input NAND Gate4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: O1 (scope), I1 (scope), I2 (scope), I3 (scope), I4 (scope), nc (scope), VSS (scope), nc (scope), I5 (scope), I6 (scope), I7 (scope), I8 (scope), O2 (scope), VDD (scope)
4013 Dual D-type Flip-flop PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1Q (scope), 1Q' (scope), 1CP (scope), 1CD (scope), 1D (scope), 1SD (scope), VSS (scope), 2SD (scope), 2D (scope), 2CD (scope), 2CP (scope), 2Q (scope), 2Q' (scope), VDD (scope)
4014 8-stage Parallel in Shift Register PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: D7 (scope), Q5 (scope), Q7 (scope), D3 (scope), D2 (scope), D1 (scope), D0 (scope), VSS (scope), PE (scope), CP (scope), DS (scope), Q6 (scope), D4 (scope), D5 (scope), D6 (scope), VDD (scope)
4015 Dual 4-stage Shift Register PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 2CP (scope), 2Q3 (scope), 1Q2 (scope), 1Q1 (scope), 1Q0 (scope), 1MR (scope), 1D (scope), VSS (scope), 1CP (scope), 1Q3 (scope), 2Q2 (scope), 2Q1 (scope), 2Q0 (scope), 2MR (scope), 2D (scope), VDD (scope)
4016 Quad Bilateral Switch PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1Y (scope), 1Z (scope), 2Z (scope), 2Y (scope), 2E (scope), 3E (scope), VSS (scope), 3Y (scope), 3Z (scope), 4Z (scope), 4Y (scope), 4E (scope), 1E (scope), VDD (scope)
4017 5-stage Johnson decade counter4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: Q5 (scope), Q1 (scope), Q0 (scope), Q2 (scope), Q6 (scope), Q7 (scope), Q3 (scope), VSS (scope), Q8 (scope), Q4 (scope), Q9 (scope), Q5-9' (scope), CP1' (scope), CP0 (scope), MR (scope), VDD (scope)
4018 Presettable Divide-by-N Counter PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: D (scope), P0 (scope), P1 (scope), O1' (scope), O0' (scope), O2' (scope), P2 (scope), VSS (scope), P3 (scope), PL (scope), O3' (scope), P4 (scope), O4' (scope), CP (scope), MR (scope), VDD (scope)
4019 Quadruple 2-input Multiplexer PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: B3 (scope), A2 (scope), B2 (scope), A1 (scope), B1 (scope), A0 (scope), B0 (scope), VSS (scope), SA (scope), O0 (scope), O1 (scope), O2 (scope), O3 (scope), SB (scope), A3 (scope), VDD (scope)
4020 14-stage Binary Ripple Counter PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: Q11 (scope), Q12 (scope), Q13 (scope), Q5 (scope), Q4 (scope), Q6 (scope), Q3 (scope), VSS (scope), Q0 (scope), CP' (scope), MR (scope), Q8 (scope), Q7 (scope), Q9 (scope), Q10 (scope), VDD (scope)
4021 8-stage Parallel in Shift Register PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: D7 (scope), Q5 (scope), Q7 (scope), D3 (scope), D2 (scope), D1 (scope), D0 (scope), VSS (scope), PL (scope), CP (scope), DS (scope), Q6 (scope), D4 (scope), D5 (scope), D6 (scope), VDD (scope)
4022 4-stage Johnson Counter4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: O1 (scope), O0 (scope), O2 (scope), O5 (scope), O6 (scope), nc (scope), O3 (scope), VSS (scope), nc (scope), O7 (scope), O4 (scope), O4-7' (scope), CP1' (scope), CP0 (scope), MR (scope), VDD (scope)
4023 Triple 3-input NAND Gate PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: I4 (scope), I5 (scope), I1 (scope), I2 (scope), I3 (scope), O1 (scope), VSS (scope), I6 (scope), O2 (scope), O3 (scope), I7 (scope), I8 (scope), I9 (scope), VDD (scope)
4024 7-stage Binary Counter PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: CP (scope), MR (scope), Q6 (scope), Q5 (scope), Q4 (scope), Q3 (scope), VSS (scope), nc (scope), Q2 (scope), nc (scope), Q1 (scope), Q0 (scope), nc (scope), VDD (scope)
4025 Triple 3-input NOR Gate PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: I4 (scope), I5 (scope), I1 (scope), I2 (scope), I3 (scope), O0 (scope), VSS (scope), I6 (scope), O2 (scope), O3 (scope), I7 (scope), I8 (scope), I9 (scope), VDD (scope)
4026 Decade Counter w/Decoded 7-segment Display Outputs PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: CP (scope), INH (scope), DEI (scope), DEO (scope), CO (scope), f (scope), g (scope), VSS (scope), d (scope), a (scope), e (scope), b (scope), c (scope), UCS (scope), MR (scope), VDD (scope)
4027 Dual JK Master-slave Flip-flop PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 2Q (scope), 2Q' (scope), 2CP (scope), 2CD (scope), 2K (scope), 2J (scope), 2SD (scope), VSS (scope), 1SD (scope), 1J (scope), 1K (scope), 1CD (scope), 1CP (scope), 1Q' (scope), 1Q (scope), VDD (scope)
4028 BCD to Decimal Decoder4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: Y4 (scope), Y2 (scope), Y0 (scope), Y7 (scope), Y9 (scope), Y5 (scope), Y6 (scope), VSS (scope), Y8 (scope), A0 (scope), A3 (scope), A2 (scope), A1 (scope), Y1 (scope), Y3 (scope), VDD (scope)
4030 Triple 3-input NOR Gate4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1Y (scope), 2Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), VSS (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 3Y (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), VDD (scope)
4031 64-stage Shift Register PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: DB (scope), CP (scope), nc (scope), nc (scope), nc (scope), O63 (scope), O63' (scope), VSS (scope), CO (scope), Ā/B (scope), nc (scope), nc (scope), nc (scope), nc (scope), DA (scope), VDD (scope)
4032 Triple Serial Adder PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: S3 (scope), I3 (scope), CP (scope), S2 (scope), I2 (scope), CR (scope), I1 (scope), VSS (scope), S1 (scope), A1 (scope), B1 (scope), B2 (scope), A2 (scope), B3 (scope), A3 (scope), VDD (scope)
4038 Triple Serial Adder PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: S3 (scope), I3 (scope), CP (scope), S2 (scope), I2 (scope), CR (scope), I1 (scope), VSS (scope), S1 (scope), A1 (scope), B1 (scope), B2 (scope), A2 (scope), B3 (scope), A3 (scope), VDD (scope)
4040 12-stage Binary Counter PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: Q11 (scope), Q5 (scope), Q4 (scope), Q6 (scope), Q3 (scope), Q2 (scope), Q1 (scope), VSS (scope), Q0 (scope), CP' (scope), MR (scope), Q8 (scope), Q7 (scope), Q9 (scope), Q10 (scope), VDD (scope)
4041 Quad Buffer/Inverter4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: O1 (scope), O1' (scope), I1 (scope), O2 (scope), O2' (scope), I2 (scope), VSS (scope), O3 (scope), O3' (scope), I3 (scope), O4 (scope), O4' (scope), I4 (scope), VDD (scope)
4042 Quad D-type Latch PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: O3 (scope), O0 (scope), O0' (scope), D0 (scope), E0 (scope), E1 (scope), D1 (scope), VSS (scope), O1' (scope), O1 (scope), O2 (scope), O2' (scope), D2 (scope), D3 (scope), O3' (scope), VDD (scope)
4043 Quad NOR R-S Latch PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 4Q (scope), 1Q (scope), 1R (scope), 1S (scope), OE (scope), 2S (scope), 2R (scope), VSS (scope), 2Q (scope), 3Q (scope), 3R (scope), 3S (scope), nc (scope), 4S (scope), 4R (scope), VDD (scope)
4044 Quad NAND R-S Latch PRO4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: O3 (scope), O0 (scope), R0 (scope), S0 (scope), EO (scope), S1 (scope), R1 (scope), VSS (scope), O1 (scope), O2 (scope), R2 (scope), S2 (scope), nc (scope), S3 (scope), R3 (scope), VDD (scope)
4049 Hex Inverting Buffer4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: VDD (scope), 1Y (scope), 1A (scope), 2Y (scope), 2A (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), VSS (scope), 4A (scope), 4Y (scope), 5A (scope), 5Y (scope), nc (scope), 6A (scope), 6Y (scope), nc (scope)
4051 8-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer4000 Series CMOS ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: Y4 (scope), Y6 (scope), Z (scope), Y7 (scope), Y5 (scope), E' (scope), VEE (scope), VSS (scope), S3 (scope), S2 (scope), S1 (scope), Y3 (scope), Y0 (scope), Y1 (scope), Y2 (scope), VDD (scope)
7400 Quadruple 2-input NAND Gate7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), VCC (scope)
7401 Quadruple 2-input NAND Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1Y (scope), 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 2Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), GND (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 3Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), 4Y (scope), VCC (scope)
741G02 Single 2-input NOR Gate7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: B (scope), A (scope), GND (scope), Y (scope), VCC (scope)
7403 Quadruple 2-input NAND Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), VCC (scope)
7404 Hex Inverter7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3Y (scope), GND (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 5Y (scope), 5A (scope), 6Y (scope), 6A (scope), VCC (scope)
7405 Hex Inverter PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3Y (scope), GND (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 5Y (scope), 5A (scope), 6Y (scope), 6A (scope), VCC (scope)
7406 Hex Inverter with High Voltage Output7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3Y (scope), GND (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 5Y (scope), 5A (scope), 6Y (scope), 6A (scope), VCC (scope)
7407 Hex Buffer with High Voltage Output7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3Y (scope), GND (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 5Y (scope), 5A (scope), 6Y (scope), 6A (scope), VCC (scope)
7408 Quad 2-input AND Gate7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), VCC (scope)
7409 Quadruple 2-input AND Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), VCC (scope)
7410 Triple 3-input NAND Gate7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2C (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 3C (scope), 1Y (scope), 1C (scope), VCC (scope)
7411 Triple 3-input AND Gate7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2C (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 3C (scope), 1Y (scope), 1C (scope), VCC (scope)
7412 Triple 3-input NAND Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2C (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 3C (scope), 1Y (scope), 1C (scope), VCC (scope)
7413 Dual 4-input NAND Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), NC (scope), 1C (scope), 1D (scope), 1Y (scope), GND (scope), 2Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), NC (scope), 2C (scope), 2D (scope), VCC (scope)
7414 Hex Schmitt-trigger Inverter7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3Y (scope), GND (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 5Y (scope), 5A (scope), 6Y (scope), 6A (scope), VCC (scope)
7415 Triple 3-input AND Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1B (scope), 1C (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2C (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3C (scope), 3B (scope), 3A (scope), 1Y (scope), 1A (scope), VCC (scope)
7416 Hex Inverter with High Voltage Output7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3Y (scope), GND (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 5Y (scope), 5A (scope), 6Y (scope), 6A (scope), VCC (scope)
7417 Hex Buffer with High Voltage Output7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3Y (scope), GND (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 5Y (scope), 5A (scope), 6Y (scope), 6A (scope), VCC (scope)
7418 Dual 4-input NAND Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), NC (scope), 1C (scope), 1D (scope), 1Y (scope), GND (scope), 2Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), NC (scope), 2C (scope), 2D (scope), VCC (scope)
7419 Hex Schmitt-trigger Inverter PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3Y (scope), GND (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 5Y (scope), 5A (scope), 6Y (scope), 6A (scope), VCC (scope)
7420 Dual 4-input NAND Gate7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), NC (scope), 1C (scope), 1D (scope), 1Y (scope), GND (scope), 2Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), NC (scope), 2C (scope), 2D (scope), VCC (scope)
7421 Dual 4-input AND Gate7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), NC (scope), 1C (scope), 1D (scope), 1Y (scope), GND (scope), 2Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), NC (scope), 2C (scope), 2D (scope), VCC (scope)
7422 Dual 4-input NAND Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), NC (scope), 1C (scope), 1D (scope), 1Y (scope), GND (scope), 2Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), NC (scope), 2C (scope), 2D (scope), VCC (scope)
7424 Quadruple 2-input NAND Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), VCC (scope)
7425 Dual 4-input NOR Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1G (scope), 1C (scope), 1D (scope), 1Y (scope), GND (scope), 2Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2G (scope), 2C (scope), 2D (scope), VCC (scope)
7426 Quadruple 2-input NAND Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), VCC (scope)
7427 Triple 3-input NOR Gate7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2C (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 3C (scope), 1Y (scope), 1C (scope), VCC (scope)
7428 Quadruple 2-input NOR Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1Y (scope), 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 2Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), GND (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 3Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), 4Y (scope), VCC (scope)
7430 8-input NAND Gate7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: A (scope), B (scope), C (scope), D (scope), E (scope), F (scope), GND (scope), Y (scope), NC (scope), NC (scope), G (scope), H (scope), NC (scope), VCC (scope)
7432 Quadruple 2-input OR Gate7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), VCC (scope)
741G32 Single 2-input OR Gate7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: A (scope), B (scope), GND (scope), Y (scope), VCC (scope)
7433 Quadruple 2-input NOR Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1Y (scope), 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 2Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), GND (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 3Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), 4Y (scope), VCC (scope)
7434 Hex Buffer PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3Y (scope), GND (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 5Y (scope), 5A (scope), 6Y (scope), 6A (scope), VCC (scope)
7435 Hex Buffer PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3Y (scope), GND (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 5Y (scope), 5A (scope), 6Y (scope), 6A (scope), VCC (scope)
7436 Quadruple 2-input NOR Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), VCC (scope)
7437 Quad 2-input NAND Buffer7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), VCC (scope)
7438 Quad 2-input NAND Gate7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), VCC (scope)
7439 Quad 2-input NAND Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1Y (scope), 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 2Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), GND (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 3Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), 4Y (scope), VCC (scope)
7440 Dual 4-input NAND Buffer7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), NC (scope), 1C (scope), 1D (scope), 1Y (scope), GND (scope), 2Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), NC (scope), 2C (scope), 2D (scope), VCC (scope)
7442 BCD to Decimal Decoder PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 0 (scope), 1 (scope), 2 (scope), 3 (scope), 4 (scope), 5 (scope), 6 (scope), GND (scope), 7 (scope), 8 (scope), 9 (scope), D (scope), C (scope), B (scope), A (scope), VCC (scope)
7443 Excess-3 to Decimal Decoder PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 0 (scope), 1 (scope), 2 (scope), 3 (scope), 4 (scope), 5 (scope), 6 (scope), GND (scope), 7 (scope), 8 (scope), 9 (scope), D (scope), C (scope), B (scope), A (scope), VCC (scope)
7444 Gray code to Decimal Decoder PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 0 (scope), 1 (scope), 2 (scope), 3 (scope), 4 (scope), 5 (scope), 6 (scope), GND (scope), 7 (scope), 8 (scope), 9 (scope), D (scope), C (scope), B (scope), A (scope), VCC (scope)
7445 BCD to Decimal Decoder PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 0 (scope), 1 (scope), 2 (scope), 3 (scope), 4 (scope), 5 (scope), 6 (scope), GND (scope), 7 (scope), 8 (scope), 9 (scope), D (scope), C (scope), B (scope), A (scope), VCC (scope)
7447 BCD to Seven Segment Decoder/Driver7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: B (scope), C (scope), LT' (scope), RBO' (scope), RBI' (scope), D (scope), A (scope), GND (scope), e (scope), d (scope), c (scope), b (scope), a (scope), g (scope), f (scope), VCC (scope)
7449 BCD to Seven Segment Decoder/Driver PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: B (scope), C (scope), BI' (scope), D (scope), A (scope), e (scope), GND (scope), d (scope), c (scope), b (scope), a (scope), g (scope), f (scope), VCC (scope)
7450 Dual 2-wide 2-input AND-OR Inverter Gate7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2C (scope), 2D (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 1Y (scope), 1C (scope), 1D (scope), 1X (scope), 1X' (scope), 1B (scope), VCC (scope)
7451 Dual 2-wide 2-input AND-OR Inverter Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2C (scope), 2D (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 1Y (scope), 1C (scope), 1D (scope), NU (scope), NU (scope), 1B (scope), VCC (scope)
74L51 3-wide 3-input and 2-wide 2-input AND-OR-Invert Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2C (scope), 2D (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 1Y (scope), 1D (scope), 1E (scope), 1F (scope), 1B (scope), 1C (scope), VCC (scope)
7452 Expandable 4-wide AND-OR Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: A (scope), B (scope), C (scope), D (scope), E (scope), NC (scope), GND (scope), Y (scope), X (scope), F (scope), G (scope), H (scope), I (scope), VCC (scope)
7453 Expandable 4-wide AND-OR-Invert Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: A (scope), C (scope), D (scope), E (scope), F (scope), NC (scope), GND (scope), Y (scope), G (scope), H (scope), X (scope), X' (scope), B (scope), VCC (scope)
74H53 Expandable 4-wide AND-OR-Invert Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: A (scope), C (scope), D (scope), E (scope), F (scope), G (scope), GND (scope), Y (scope), H (scope), I (scope), X (scope), X' (scope), B (scope), VCC (scope)
7454 4-wide AND-OR Inverter Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: A (scope), C (scope), D (scope), E (scope), F (scope), NC (scope), GND (scope), Y (scope), G (scope), H (scope), NU (scope), NU (scope), B (scope), VCC (scope)
74H54 4-wide AND-OR Inverter Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: A (scope), C (scope), D (scope), E (scope), F (scope), G (scope), GND (scope), Y (scope), H (scope), I (scope), NU (scope), NU (scope), B (scope), VCC (scope)
74L54 4-wide AND-OR Inverter Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: A (scope), B (scope), C (scope), D (scope), E (scope), Y (scope), GND (scope), NC (scope), F (scope), G (scope), H (scope), I (scope), J (scope), VCC (scope)
7455 2-wide 4-input AND-OR Inverter Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: A (scope), B (scope), C (scope), D (scope), NC (scope), NC (scope), GND (scope), Y (scope), NC (scope), E (scope), F (scope), G (scope), H (scope), VCC (scope)
7456 50:1 Frequency Divider PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: CLKB (scope), VCC (scope), QA (scope), GND (scope), CLKA (scope), CLR (scope), QB (scope), QC (scope)
7457 60:1 Frequency Divider PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: CLKB (scope), VCC (scope), QA (scope), GND (scope), CLKA (scope), CLR (scope), QB (scope), QC (scope)
7458 Dual AND-OR Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2C (scope), 2D (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 1Y (scope), 1D (scope), 1E (scope), 1F (scope), 1B (scope), 1C (scope), VCC (scope)
7460 Dual 4-input Expanders PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1C (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2C (scope), GND (scope), 2D (scope), 2X' (scope), 2X (scope), 1X (scope), 1X' (scope), 1D (scope), VCC (scope)
7461 Triple 3-input Expanders PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1C (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2C (scope), GND (scope), 2X (scope), 1X (scope), 3X (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 3C (scope), VCC (scope)
7462 4-wide AND-OR Expanders PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: A (scope), B (scope), C (scope), D (scope), E (scope), X' (scope), GND (scope), X (scope), F (scope), G (scope), H (scope), I (scope), J (scope), VCC (scope)
7464 4-3-2-2-input AND-OR-Invert Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: A (scope), E (scope), F (scope), G (scope), H (scope), I (scope), GND (scope), Y (scope), J (scope), K (scope), B (scope), C (scope), D (scope), VCC (scope)
7465 4-3-2-2-input AND-OR-Invert Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: A (scope), E (scope), F (scope), G (scope), H (scope), I (scope), GND (scope), Y (scope), J (scope), K (scope), B (scope), C (scope), D (scope), VCC (scope)
7468 Dual 4-bit Binary Counter7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1CP' (scope), 1MR (scope), 1Q0 (scope), 1Q1 (scope), 1Q2 (scope), 1Q3 (scope), GND (scope), 2Q3 (scope), 2Q2 (scope), 2Q1 (scope), 2Q0 (scope), 2MR (scope), 2CP' (scope), VCC (scope)
7469 Dual 4-bit Binary Counter7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1CP' (scope), 1MR (scope), 1Q0 (scope), 1Q1 (scope), 1Q2 (scope), 1Q3 (scope), GND (scope), 2Q3 (scope), 2Q2 (scope), 2Q1 (scope), 2Q0 (scope), 2MR (scope), 2CP' (scope), VCC (scope)
7470 AND Gated Rising Edge JK Flip-flop, w/Preset and Clear PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: NC (scope), CLR' (scope), J1 (scope), J2 (scope), J' (scope), Q' (scope), GND (scope), Q (scope), K' (scope), K1 (scope), K2 (scope), CLK (scope), PRE' (scope), VCC (scope)
7471 AND-gated RS Flip-flop, w/Preset and Clear PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: NC (scope), CLR' (scope), S1 (scope), S2 (scope), S3 (scope), Q' (scope), GND (scope), Q (scope), R1 (scope), R2 (scope), R3 (scope), CLK (scope), PRE' (scope), VCC (scope)
74H71 AND-or-gated JK Flip-flop, w/Preset PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: J1A (scope), J1B (scope), J2A (scope), J2B (scope), PRE' (scope), Q (scope), GND (scope), Q' (scope), K1A (scope), K1B (scope), K2A (scope), K2B (scope), CLK (scope), VCC (scope)
7472 AND Gated JK Master-Slave Flip-flop, w/Preset and Clear PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: NC (scope), CLR' (scope), J1 (scope), J2 (scope), J3 (scope), Q' (scope), GND (scope), Q (scope), K1 (scope), K2 (scope), K3 (scope), CLK (scope), PRE' (scope), VCC (scope)
7473 Dual JK Flip-flops w/Clear PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1CLK (scope), 1CLR' (scope), 1K (scope), VCC (scope), 2CLK (scope), 2CLR' (scope), 2J (scope), 2Q' (scope), 2Q (scope), 2K (scope), GND (scope), 1Q (scope), 1Q' (scope), 1J (scope)
7474 Dual D Flip-flops w/Preset7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: CLR1 (scope), D1 (scope), CLK1 (scope), PR1 (scope), Q1 (scope), Q1' (scope), GND (scope), Q2' (scope), Q2 (scope), PR2 (scope), CLK2 (scope), D2 (scope), CLR2 (scope), VCC (scope)
7475 4-Bit Bistable Latch PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1Q' (scope), 1D (scope), 2D (scope), 3,4C (scope), VCC (scope), 3D (scope), 4D (scope), 4Q' (scope), 4Q (scope), 3Q (scope), 3Q' (scope), GND (scope), 1,2C (scope), 2Q' (scope), 2Q (scope), 1Q (scope)
7476 Dual JK Flip-flops w/Preset and Clear PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1CLK (scope), 1PRE' (scope), 1CLR' (scope), 1J (scope), VCC (scope), 2CLK (scope), 2PRE' (scope), 2CLR' (scope), 2J (scope), 2Q' (scope), 2Q (scope), 2K (scope), GND (scope), 1Q (scope), 1Q' (scope), 1K (scope)
7477 4-Bit Bistable Latch PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1D (scope), 2D (scope), 3,4C (scope), VCC (scope), 3D (scope), 4D (scope), NC (scope), 4Q (scope), 3Q (scope), NC (scope), GND (scope), 1,2C (scope), 2Q (scope), 1Q (scope)
7478 Dual JK Flip-flop w/Preset PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1K (scope), 1Q (scope), 1Q' (scope), 1J (scope), 2Q' (scope), 2Q (scope), GND (scope), 2K (scope), CLK (scope), 2PRE' (scope), 2J (scope), CLR' (scope), 1PRE' (scope), VCC (scope)
74LS78 Dual JK Flip-flop w/Preset PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: CLK (scope), 1PRE' (scope), 1J (scope), VCC (scope), CLR' (scope), 2PRE' (scope), 2K (scope), 2Q (scope), 2Q' (scope), 2J (scope), GND (scope), 1Q' (scope), 1Q (scope), 1K (scope)
7480 Gated Full Adder PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: B★ (scope), BC (scope), Cn (scope), Cn+1' (scope), Σ (scope), Σ' (scope), GND (scope), A1 (scope), A2 (scope), A★ (scope), AC (scope), B1 (scope), B2 (scope), VCC (scope)
7481 16-bit RAM PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: X3 (scope), X2 (scope), X1 (scope), VCC (scope), Y1 (scope), Y2 (scope), Y3 (scope), Y4 (scope), W0 (scope), GND (scope), S0 (scope), S1 (scope), W1 (scope), X4 (scope)
7482 2-Bit Binary Full Adder PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: Σ1 (scope), A1 (scope), B1 (scope), VCC (scope), C0 (scope), NC (scope), NC (scope), NC (scope), NC (scope), C2 (scope), GND (scope), Σ2 (scope), B2 (scope), A2 (scope)
7483 4-Bit Binary Full Adder PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: A4 (scope), Σ3 (scope), A3 (scope), B3 (scope), VCC (scope), Σ2 (scope), B2 (scope), A2 (scope), Σ1 (scope), A1 (scope), B1 (scope), GND (scope), C0 (scope), C4 (scope), Σ4 (scope), B4 (scope)
7484 16-bit RAM PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: X4 (scope), X3 (scope), X2 (scope), X1 (scope), VCC (scope), Y1 (scope), Y2 (scope), Y3 (scope), Y4 (scope), W0B (scope), W0A (scope), GND (scope), S0 (scope), S1 (scope), W1B (scope), W1A (scope)
7485 4-bit Magnitude Comparator7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: B3 (scope), I A<B (scope), I A=B (scope), I A>B (scope), A>B (scope), A=B (scope), A<B (scope), GND (scope), B0 (scope), A0 (scope), B1 (scope), A1 (scope), A2 (scope), B2 (scope), A3 (scope), VCC (scope)
7486 Quad 2-input XOR Gate7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), VCC (scope)
741G86 Single 2-input XOR Gate7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: B (scope), A (scope), GND (scope), Y (scope), VCC (scope)
7487 4-Bit True/Complement/Zero/One Element PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: C (scope), A1 (scope), Y1 (scope), NC (scope), A2 (scope), Y2 (scope), GND (scope), B (scope), Y3 (scope), A3 (scope), NC (scope), Y4 (scope), A4 (scope), VCC (scope)
7489 64-bit RAM, Inverted Outputs PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: A0 (scope), ME' (scope), WE' (scope), D1 (scope), Q1' (scope), D2 (scope), Q2' (scope), GND (scope), Q3' (scope), D3 (scope), Q4' (scope), D4 (scope), A3 (scope), A2 (scope), A1 (scope), VCC (scope)
7490 Decade and Binary Counter7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: INB (scope), R01 (scope), R02 (scope), NC (scope), VCC (scope), R91 (scope), R92 (scope), QC (scope), QB (scope), GND (scope), QD (scope), QA (scope), NC (scope), INA (scope)
7491 8-Bit Shift Register PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: NC (scope), NC (scope), NC (scope), NC (scope), VCC (scope), NC (scope), NC (scope), NC (scope), CLK (scope), GND (scope), B (scope), A (scope), QH (scope), QH' (scope)
7492 Divide-by-12 Counter PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: CKB (scope), NC (scope), NC (scope), NC (scope), VCC (scope), R0(1) (scope), R0(2) (scope), QD (scope), QC (scope), GND (scope), QB (scope), QA (scope), NC (scope), CKA (scope)
7493 Binary Counter7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: INB (scope), R01 (scope), R02 (scope), NC (scope), VCC (scope), NC (scope), NC (scope), QC (scope), QB (scope), GND (scope), QD (scope), QA (scope), NC (scope), INA (scope)
74100 Dual 4-bit Bistable Latch PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: NC (scope), 1D1 (scope), 1D2 (scope), 1Q2 (scope), 1Q1 (scope), NC (scope), GND (scope), 2Q1 (scope), 2Q2 (scope), 2D2 (scope), 2D1 (scope), 2C (scope), NC (scope), NC (scope), 2D3 (scope), 2D4 (scope), 2Q4 (scope), 2Q3 (scope), 1Q3 (scope), 1Q4 (scope), 1D4 (scope), 1D3 (scope), 1C (scope), VCC (scope)
74101 AND-OR Gated Falling Edge JK Flip-flop, w/Preset PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: J1A (scope), J1B (scope), J2A (scope), J2B (scope), PRE' (scope), Q (scope), GND (scope), Q' (scope), K1A (scope), K1B (scope), K2A (scope), K2B (scope), CLK (scope), VCC (scope)
74104 JK Master-Slave Flip-flop PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: JK (scope), PRE' (scope), K1 (scope), J1 (scope), J2 (scope), Q (scope), GND (scope), Q' (scope), CLK (scope), K2 (scope), K3 (scope), J3 (scope), CLR' (scope), VCC (scope)
74105 JK Master-Slave Flip-flop PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: JK (scope), PRE' (scope), K1 (scope), J1 (scope), J2' (scope), Q (scope), GND (scope), Q' (scope), CLK (scope), K2' (scope), K3 (scope), J3 (scope), CLR' (scope), VCC (scope)
74106 Dual JK Falling Edge Flip-flop w/Preset and Clear PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1CLK (scope), 1PRE' (scope), 1CLR' (scope), 1J (scope), VCC (scope), 2CLK (scope), 2PRE' (scope), 2CLR' (scope), 2J (scope), 2Q' (scope), 2Q (scope), 2K (scope), GND (scope), 1Q' (scope), 1Q (scope), 1K (scope)
74107 Dual JK Flip-flop w/Clear PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1J (scope), 1Q' (scope), 1Q (scope), 1K (scope), 2Q (scope), 2Q' (scope), GND (scope), 2J (scope), 2CLK (scope), 2CLR' (scope), 2K (scope), 1CLK (scope), 1CLR' (scope), VCC (scope)
74107A Dual JK Flip-flop w/Clear PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1J (scope), 1Q' (scope), 1Q (scope), 1K (scope), 2Q (scope), 2Q' (scope), GND (scope), 2J (scope), 2CLK (scope), 2CLR' (scope), 2K (scope), 1CLK (scope), 1CLR' (scope), VCC (scope)
74108 Dual JK Flip-flop w/Preset PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1K (scope), 1Q (scope), 1Q' (scope), 1J (scope), 2Q' (scope), 2Q (scope), GND (scope), 2K (scope), CLK (scope), 2PRE' (scope), 2J (scope), CLR' (scope), 1PRE' (scope), VCC (scope)
74109 Dual J-Not-K Flip-flop w/Preset and Clear PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1CLR' (scope), 1J (scope), 1K' (scope), 1CLK (scope), 1PRE' (scope), 1Q (scope), 1Q' (scope), GND (scope), 2Q' (scope), 2Q (scope), 2PRE' (scope), 2CLK (scope), 2K' (scope), 2J (scope), 2CLR' (scope), VCC (scope)
74110 AND Gated JK Flip-flop PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: NC (scope), CLR' (scope), J1 (scope), J2 (scope), J3 (scope), Q' (scope), GND (scope), Q (scope), K1 (scope), K2 (scope), K3 (scope), CLK (scope), PRE' (scope), VCC (scope)
74112 Dual JK Flip-flop w/Clear and Preset PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1CLK (scope), 1K (scope), 1J (scope), 1PRE' (scope), 1Q (scope), 1Q' (scope), 2Q (scope), GND (scope), 2Q' (scope), 2PRE' (scope), 2J (scope), 2K (scope), 2CLK (scope), 2CLR' (scope), 1CLR' (scope), VCC (scope)
74113 Dual JK Flip-flop w/Preset PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1CLK (scope), 1K (scope), 1J (scope), 1PRE' (scope), 1Q (scope), 1Q' (scope), GND (scope), 2Q' (scope), 2Q (scope), 2PRE' (scope), 2J (scope), 2K (scope), 2CLK (scope), VCC (scope)
74114 Dual JK Flip-flop w/Preset and Common Clear PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: CLR' (scope), 1K (scope), 1J (scope), 1PRE' (scope), 1Q (scope), 1Q' (scope), GND (scope), 2Q' (scope), 2Q (scope), 2PRE' (scope), 2J (scope), 2K (scope), CLK (scope), VCC (scope)
74116 Dual 4-bit Latch w/Clear PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1CLR' (scope), 1C1' (scope), 1C2' (scope), 1D1 (scope), 1Q1 (scope), 1D2 (scope), 1Q2 (scope), 1D3 (scope), 1Q3 (scope), 1D4 (scope), 1Q4 (scope), GND (scope), 2CLR' (scope), 2C1' (scope), 2C2' (scope), 2D1 (scope), 2Q1 (scope), 2D2 (scope), 2Q2 (scope), 2D3 (scope), 2Q3 (scope), 2D4 (scope), 2Q4 (scope), VCC (scope)
74118 Hex Set/Reset Latch w/Common Reset PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: S1 (scope), Q1 (scope), Q2 (scope), S2 (scope), Q3 (scope), S3 (scope), NC (scope), GND (scope), RST (scope), S4 (scope), Q4 (scope), S5 (scope), Q5 (scope), Q6 (scope), S6 (scope), VCC (scope)
74125 Quad Bus Buffer, Negative Enable PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1G' (scope), 1A (scope), 1Y (scope), 2G' (scope), 2A (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3G' (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4G' (scope), VCC (scope)
74126 Quad Bus Buffer, Positive Enable PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1G (scope), 1A (scope), 1Y (scope), 2G (scope), 2A (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3G (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4G (scope), VCC (scope)
74128 Quad 2-input NOR Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1Y (scope), 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 2Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), GND (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 3Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), 4Y (scope), VCC (scope)
74131 Quad 2-input AND Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1Z (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2Z (scope), GND (scope), 3Z (scope), 3B (scope), 3A (scope), 4Z (scope), 4B (scope), 4A (scope), VCC (scope)
74132 Quadruple 2-input NAND PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), VCC (scope)
74133 13-input Positive-NAND Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: A (scope), B (scope), C (scope), D (scope), E (scope), F (scope), G (scope), GND (scope), Y (scope), H (scope), I (scope), J (scope), K (scope), L (scope), M (scope), VCC (scope)
74134 12-input Positive-NAND Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: A (scope), B (scope), C (scope), D (scope), E (scope), F (scope), G (scope), GND (scope), Y (scope), H (scope), I (scope), J (scope), K (scope), L (scope), OC' (scope), VCC (scope)
74135 Quadruple XOR/XNOR Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1Y (scope), 1,2C (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 3,4C (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), VCC (scope)
74136 Quadruple 2-input XOR Gate PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2Y (scope), GND (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), VCC (scope)
74138 3-line to 8-line Decoder/Demultiplexer, Inverting Outputs PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: A (scope), B (scope), C (scope), G2A' (scope), G2B' (scope), G1 (scope), Y7 (scope), GND (scope), Y6 (scope), Y5 (scope), Y4 (scope), Y3 (scope), Y2 (scope), Y1 (scope), Y0 (scope), VCC (scope)
74139 Dual 2 to 4-line Decoder/Demultiplexer, Inverting Outputs PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1G' (scope), 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1Y0 (scope), 1Y1 (scope), 1Y2 (scope), 1Y3 (scope), GND (scope), 2Y3 (scope), 2Y2 (scope), 2Y1 (scope), 2Y0 (scope), 2B (scope), 2A (scope), 2G' (scope), VCC (scope)
74140 Dual 4-input NAND PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), NC (scope), 1C (scope), 1D (scope), 1Y (scope), GND (scope), 2Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), NC (scope), 2C (scope), 2D (scope), VCC (scope)
74148 8-line to 3-line Priority Encoder7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 4 (scope), 5 (scope), 6 (scope), 7 (scope), EI (scope), A2 (scope), A1 (scope), GND (scope), A0 (scope), 0 (scope), 1 (scope), 2 (scope), 3 (scope), GS (scope), EO (scope), VCC (scope)
74153 Dual 4-input Multiplexer7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: E1' (scope), SB (scope), 1C3 (scope), 1C2 (scope), 1C1 (scope), 1C0 (scope), Y1 (scope), GND (scope), Y2 (scope), 2C0 (scope), 2C1 (scope), 2C2 (scope), 2C3 (scope), SA (scope), E2' (scope), VCC (scope)
74154 4-line to 16-line Decoder7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 0 (scope), 1 (scope), 2 (scope), 3 (scope), 4 (scope), 5 (scope), 6 (scope), 7 (scope), 8 (scope), 9 (scope), 10 (scope), GND (scope), 11 (scope), 12 (scope), 13 (scope), 14 (scope), 15 (scope), G1 (scope), G2 (scope), D (scope), C (scope), B (scope), A (scope), VCC (scope)
74157 Quadruple 2-input Multiplexer7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: S (scope), A1 (scope), B1 (scope), Y1 (scope), A2 (scope), B2 (scope), Y2 (scope), GND (scope), Y3 (scope), B3 (scope), A3 (scope), Y4 (scope), B4 (scope), A4 (scope), E' (scope), VCC (scope)
74163 Synchronous 4-bit Counter7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: CLR' (scope), Clk (scope), A (scope), B (scope), C (scope), D (scope), ENP (scope), GND (scope), LOAD' (scope), ENT (scope), QD (scope), QC (scope), QB (scope), QA (scope), RCO (scope), VCC (scope)
74164 8-bit Serial-in Shift Register7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: DSA (scope), DSB (scope), Q0 (scope), Q1 (scope), Q2 (scope), Q3 (scope), GND (scope), Clk (scope), MR' (scope), Q4 (scope), Q5 (scope), Q6 (scope), Q7 (scope), VCC (scope)
74165 8-Bit Parallel In/Serial Output Shift Register PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: PL' (scope), CP' (scope), D4 (scope), D5 (scope), D6 (scope), D7 (scope), Q7' (scope), GND (scope), Q7 (scope), DS (scope), D0 (scope), D1 (scope), D2 (scope), D3 (scope), CE (scope), VCC (scope)
74166 8-bit Shift Register7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: DS (scope), P0 (scope), P1 (scope), P2 (scope), P3 (scope), CP2 (scope), CP1 (scope), GND (scope), MR' (scope), P4 (scope), P5 (scope), P6 (scope), Q7 (scope), P7 (scope), PE' (scope), VCC (scope)
74170 16-bit Register File PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: D2 (scope), D3 (scope), D4 (scope), RB (scope), RA (scope), Q4 (scope), Q3 (scope), GND (scope), Q2 (scope), Q1 (scope), GR' (scope), GW' (scope), WB (scope), WA (scope), D1 (scope), VCC (scope)
74175 Quad D Flip-flops PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: MR' (scope), Q0 (scope), Q0' (scope), D0 (scope), D1 (scope), Q1' (scope), Q1 (scope), GND (scope), CP (scope), Q2 (scope), Q2' (scope), D2 (scope), D3 (scope), Q3' (scope), Q3 (scope), VCC (scope)
74224 Synchronous FIFO Memory PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: OE (scope), IR (scope), LDCK (scope), D0 (scope), D1 (scope), D2 (scope), D3 (scope), GND (scope), CLR' (scope), Q3 (scope), Q2 (scope), Q1 (scope), Q0 (scope), OR (scope), UNCK (scope), VCC (scope)
74244 Octal Buffers and Line Drivers PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1G' (scope), 1A1 (scope), 2Y4 (scope), 1A2 (scope), 2Y3 (scope), 1A3 (scope), 2Y2 (scope), 1A4 (scope), 2Y1 (scope), GND (scope), 2A1 (scope), 1Y4 (scope), 2A2 (scope), 1Y3 (scope), 2A3 (scope), 1Y2 (scope), 2A4 (scope), 1Y1 (scope), 2G' (scope), VCC (scope)
74245 Octal Bus Transceiver PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: DIR (scope), A1 (scope), A2 (scope), A3 (scope), A4 (scope), A5 (scope), A6 (scope), A7 (scope), A8 (scope), GND (scope), B8 (scope), B7 (scope), B6 (scope), B5 (scope), B4 (scope), B3 (scope), B2 (scope), B1 (scope), OE' (scope), VCC (scope)
74283 4-bit Binary Adder7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: S2 (scope), B2 (scope), A2 (scope), S1 (scope), A1 (scope), B1 (scope), C0 (scope), GND (scope), C4 (scope), S4 (scope), B4 (scope), A4 (scope), S3 (scope), A3 (scope), B3 (scope), VCC (scope)
74393 Dual 4-bit Binary Counter7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1CP' (scope), 1MR (scope), 1Q0 (scope), 1Q1 (scope), 1Q2 (scope), 1Q3 (scope), GND (scope), 2Q3 (scope), 2Q2 (scope), 2Q1 (scope), 2Q0 (scope), 2MR (scope), 2CP' (scope), VCC (scope)
74540 Octal Inverting Buffer PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: G1' (scope), A1 (scope), A2 (scope), A3 (scope), A4 (scope), A5 (scope), A6 (scope), A7 (scope), A8 (scope), GND (scope), Y8 (scope), Y7 (scope), Y6 (scope), Y5 (scope), Y4 (scope), Y3 (scope), Y2 (scope), Y1 (scope), G2' (scope), VCC (scope)
74541 Octal Buffer PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: G1' (scope), A1 (scope), A2 (scope), A3 (scope), A4 (scope), A5 (scope), A6 (scope), A7 (scope), A8 (scope), GND (scope), Y8 (scope), Y7 (scope), Y6 (scope), Y5 (scope), Y4 (scope), Y3 (scope), Y2 (scope), Y1 (scope), G2' (scope), VCC (scope)
74595 Serial-in Shift Register with Output Latches7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: Q1 (scope), Q2 (scope), Q3 (scope), Q4 (scope), Q5 (scope), Q6 (scope), Q7 (scope), GND (scope), Q7S (scope), MR' (scope), SHCP (scope), STCP (scope), OE' (scope), DS (scope), Q0 (scope), VCC (scope)
74832 Hex 2-input OR Gate7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1Y (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 3Y (scope), GND (scope), 4Y (scope), 4A (scope), 4B (scope), 5Y (scope), 5A (scope), 5B (scope), 6Y (scope), 6A (scope), 6B (scope), VCC (scope)
744002 Dual 4-input NOR Gate7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 1Y (scope), 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1C (scope), 1D (scope), NC (scope), GND (scope), NC (scope), 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 2C (scope), 2D (scope), 2Y (scope), VCC (scope)
744051 Analog Multiplexer and Demultiplexer PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: A4 (scope), A6 (scope), A (scope), A7 (scope), A5 (scope), E' (scope), VEE (scope), GND (scope), S2 (scope), S1 (scope), S0 (scope), A3 (scope), A0 (scope), A1 (scope), A2 (scope), VCC (scope)
744067 16-channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer PRO7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: Z (scope), Y7 (scope), Y6 (scope), Y5 (scope), Y4 (scope), Y3 (scope), Y2 (scope), Y1 (scope), Y0 (scope), S0 (scope), S1 (scope), GND (scope), S3 (scope), S2 (scope), E' (scope), Y15 (scope), Y14 (scope), Y13 (scope), Y12 (scope), Y11 (scope), Y10 (scope), Y9 (scope), Y8 (scope), VCC (scope)
744075 Triple 3-input OR Gate7400 Series TTL ICs. Wikipedia Meter Information: 2A (scope), 2B (scope), 1A (scope), 1B (scope), 1C (scope), 1Y (scope), GND (scope), 2C (scope), 2Y (scope), 3Y (scope), 3A (scope), 3B (scope), 3C (scope), VCC (scope)